Oma's Online Kitchen Table

This is a place for people to share their feelings, thoughts, stories, & memories of Oma - Shirley Enbar. Oma passed away on October 13th, 2004, leaving a void in all who knew her. Since Oma was about getting, and keeping in touch, Oma's is a place to keep her memory alive, and to share a virtual cup of coffee with Oma whenever we feel the need to.

October 16, 2004

How to Add Your Thoughts

Hi, and welcome to Oma's Online - a place to share memories of Oma, Shirley Enbar.
If you would like to add your thoughts to this Blog, please send me an email, to and I'll send you an invitation to join Oma-Online and to share whatever you would like to with the rest of us. Once you've done this, simply click on the 'Add your thoughts' link in the righthand bar, log in to Blogger (the invitation will walk you through joining), and add your story, memory, whatever.
I'm Mike, one of her sons, and the reason I'm limiting this to members is the senseless people who send spam - messages about viagra, pirated software, and other tasteless issues.
The purpose of this place is to reach out to as many people who knew Oma, and to keep her spirit of 'Come in and have a cup of coffee' alive.
Oma was taken from us on October 13th, 2004, long before her time, and this is one way in which I'm trying to deal with the huge void that she left behind.
Everyone has a story about Oma (or a million), and it's comforting to share these stories among the many people who knew, and loved her.
Note: It is recommended to sit down with a cup of coffee whenever you come to visit...


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